
Welcome to Miss Linguine

Thanks for stopping by. The purpose of this blog is to share with you what is on my heart -what I have been learning in relation to God, challenges and encouragement, and discussion of topics that for whatever reason I feel prompted to write about.

My writing on Miss Linguine is aimed towards Christians, but I hope and pray that whether you know Jesus well or not at all, God may use this as a tool for you to grow and go deeper with him and with others. If you don’t call yourself a Christian, but are intrigued, confused or encouraged by these words and want to chat about it or know more, I would love to hear from you via the ‘Contact Me’ link at the top of this page. (And if you are a Christian the same absolutely applies!) You can find my most recent musings and posts by clicking on the ‘posts’ tab above.

You will also find this is a place for me to share some of my photos (you’ll find out why in my first post here.)

I hope these posts reach you well, in good timing, to open ears and heart, and bring you at least a snippet of the joy they do to me.